How to Show Up For Yourself: 10 Essential Ways

How to show up for yourself

Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Yet, all too often, we find ourselves at the bottom of our never-ending to-do lists.

Between career demands, family responsibilities, and social expectations, showing up for others often takes precedence over showing up for ourselves.

We prioritize everything and everyone else above ourselves, neglecting our own needs. This can lead to burnout, resentment, and feelings of inadequacy.

But here’s the catch: you can’t pour from an empty cup.

You must prioritize your well-being first to give your best to the world.

I’m passionate about this, as I felt this firsthand after I was laid off in 2023. Being let go from something that had become my identity makes me reflect and think about what truly matters in life.

Suddenly, I realized all those hours and effort putting into someone else’s goals and company vision didn’t matter.

The vacations I postponed, the overtime finishing up presentation decks, or endless meetings I prioritized over my own goals were wasted. I couldn’t get that time back.

Sure, sometimes, we have to hustle. But oftentimes, we make so many sacrifices for other people without always focusing on ourselves until it’s too late.

That’s why it’s crucial to show up for yourself every day, in every way possible.

Why is it Important to Show Up For Yourself?

Showing up for yourself means caring for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

It means setting boundaries, prioritizing your needs, and doing things that make you feel good.

When you consistently show up for yourself, you build self-esteem and confidence.

You also become more resilient against challenges because you have a strong foundation of self-care and confidence to rely on.

Showing up for yourself sets an example for others to do the same. It shows that you value and respect yourself, setting the standard for how others should treat you.

How to Show Up For Yourself

Here are my top 10 ways to show up for yourself.

01 | Identify Your Needs and Prioritize Them

The first step to showing up for yourself is identifying your needs and making them a priority. This can be physical, emotional, or mental.

What feels “off” for you that needs attention?

Take the time to reflect on what truly makes you happy and fulfilled, and list those things.

Then, make a plan to prioritize them every day.

For instance, taking care of my appearance makes me feel good – I prioritize that by working out daily and keeping my Botox appointments. And I don’t feel guilty about it.

Having “alone time” is necessary for me to function. So, I prioritize that by not overscheduling myself and blocking time for myself throughout the day.

This might take some self-reflection and observation. Start identifying where you feel disconnected or frustrated and make a plan to make those areas a priority.

02 | Set Boundaries and Say No

Setting boundaries can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential for showing up for yourself (and keeping yourself sane).

This means recognizing when something doesn’t align with your priorities and being able to say no or step back from certain situations.

It also means communicating effectively with others so they understand and respect your boundaries.

We tend to think of “work” or our job when we talk about setting boundaries… but it can be any part of your daily life.

For example, if going out to a party is not something you feel like doing, give yourself permission to say no.

Practice saying ‘no’ in small requests to build the confidence to push back on bigger requests.

03 | Set Goals and Make Daily Progress

Setting goals gives you something to strive for – a sense of purpose.

It could be a professional milestone, a personal project, or a health commitment.

Break them down into manageable steps so that you can take action every single day, no matter how small.

Want to learn a new language? Dedicate just 15 minutes to it today.

Want to get in the best shape of your life? Start by treating yourself to that online training program you’ve been eyeing, or make a meal plan to set you up for success.

The satisfaction of daily progress is immeasurable, and as you complete these daily, you’ll start to build confidence in yourself since you’re following through each day.

Go a step further and jot them down somewhere you can look at regularly.

04 | Invest in Personal Development

Just like setting goals and prioritizing physical self-care, investing in personal development is a way to show yourself respect.

Reading books, attending workshops or webinars, seeking out mentors or coaches – all of these activities can help you grow and improve as a person.

Consider scheduling this. It can be as simple as blocking an hour in your calendar daily to read or take an online class.

Investing time and effort into bettering yourself shows that you value your personal growth and are committed to becoming the best version of yourself.

Remember when I said I was laid off? I’m so glad I took time the year before to certify myself in my field. No one encouraged me to do so, but I did it because I wanted to. And, I’m glad I did because it helped me land my next role quickly.

Remember, no one else will hand you skills. You have to seek them out yourself and prioritize it.

05 | Prioritize Physical Self-Care

Look good, feel good.

Caring for your physical health and appearance is a form of self-respect.

It’s not about fitting into a societal standard or obsessing over external validation. Instead, it’s about caring for your body and appearance that makes you feel good and put together.

Physical self-care can be investing in new skincare, doing your makeup each day, getting a massage, prioritizing sleep, and staying active – these habits are about honoring yourself.

06 | Exercise or Move Daily

Exercise is a wonder drug, really.

Exercise is so important, I had to highlight it on its own.

The positive impact of physical activity goes far beyond just looking good.

Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, and reduces the risk of stress and anxiety.

And I’ll admit, this one is hard. It’s the easiest to slack on when life gets busy, but even 10 minutes is something.

Whether it’s a morning walk to clear your mind, a weight training session to feel stronger, or a chill yoga flow to unwind, moving your body (consistently) is one of the best things you can do.

When I have a hard time getting motivated, I’ll browse Instagram for workout inspiration or put out a new gym outfit the night before.

07 | Indulge in a Guilty Pleasure that Makes You Happy Every Day

My guilty pleasure? Getting up early and enjoying coffee in bed before anyone else gets up.

Happiness is often thought of as a grand, elusive state, but it’s often found in small daily rituals that bring joy.

Take a relaxing bath, online shop, or indulge in a favorite hobby.

These moments of bliss are like mental health boosters, making you feel happier overall.

Figure out what brings you a little bit of happiness and give permission to do it daily.

08 | Declutter

Physical clutter can lead to mental clutter.

Take time each day to clear your physical space.

A tidy home not only reduces stress but can also bring a sense of calm and control.

Get rid of items that no longer serve you, organize your living areas, and create space for the things that truly matter.

I try to do this a little bit each day, but I try tidying common areas and throwing away papers. At least once a week, I do a deeper declutter, clean the house, and light a nice candle.

Consider it a visual form of self-respect.

09 | Stop Caring What Everyone Thinks

Want to know why? No. One. Cares.


Other people are thinking about themselves. Not you.

We spend so much time worrying about what others think of us and trying to live up to their expectations that we forget to prioritize our own happiness and well-being.

As a self-proclaimed type A perfectionist, this was difficult to overcome.

But once I did, it was life-changing….and freeing.

I realized filtering my opinions and choices was exhausting and prevented me from living life on my own terms.

So now, I let go of what others think and do what I want – unapologetically.

Remind yourself that you are the only person living your life, and no one else’s opinions should dictate how you live it.

10 | Surround Yourself with Support

Lastly, find your people.

Who you interact with the most will shape YOU.

Your circle should include those who uplift and inspire you. It’s not selfish to distance yourself from toxic relationships or situations that drain your energy.

A supportive community can provide the encouragement and care you need to stay committed to yourself.

Join clubs, attend networking events, or connect with like-minded individuals online. It’s essential for your well-being.

Showing Up For Yourself Consistently

Showing up for yourself consistently is not about being selfish; it’s about self-preservation.

By prioritizing your own health and happiness, you’re better equipped to support the people and causes you care about.

These ten essential ways are not just suggestions; they affirm your value, worth, and right to a full and vibrant life.

Even if it means changing your perspective and habits, every step you take proudly declares: “I deserve my own care and attention.”

Begin now.

Show up for yourself, and watch as the ripples of that self-love spread through every corner of your life.

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