11 Simple Ways to Reset Your Routine This Fall

There’s something about fall that naturally encourages a reset. While many wait for the New Year, the crisp air and changing seasons make this the perfect time to refresh and elevate your routine, especially after an exhausting summer.

fall reset routine

Now is the time to build healthy habits. In this fall reset routine, we’ll focus on resetting our home, body, and mind tailored specifically for women 35 and up who want to feel their best.

Benefits of a Good Reset Routine

The benefits of a reset routine come from the power of small, sustainable habits that can elevate your body and mind. 

It’s not about making a dramatic change all at once, but setting simple, intentional goals that add up over time. 

As James Clear puts it in Atomic Habits, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” 

And, focusing on self-care isn’t selfish—it’s about creating a solid foundation for growth. 

By optimizing your environment and sticking with these small habits, you can smoothly transition into a better version of yourself, making lasting improvements feel effortless and natural.

Use the fall season to gain a fresh perspective and make positive changes.

Reset Your Home: Create a Sanctuary

fall routine

Have you ever noticed how a refreshed space can instantly boost your mood? Resetting your environment is the first step to laying the foundation for a fresh start this season.

A clean, organized home can create a sense of calm and order, making everything feel just a little easier. Start by decluttering, organizing, and adding cozy touches like fall decor and candles.

These small changes can transform your space into a sanctuary for your fall reset.

1. Declutter with purpose

There are proven mental health benefits from a decluttered home. Go room by room, clearing out anything that doesn’t serve you anymore. Set a timer for an hour and see how much you can get done. Use two bins—one for trash and one for donations. When you’re finished, you’ll feel so much clearer.  

2. Pick a day to deep clean

Pick a day for a deep clean, treat yourself to an iced coffee, and get started. Tackle those sneaky spots like baseboards, window tracks, and air vents that have been silently judging you. Afterwards, light a fall candle and relax. This candle is my favorite at the moments – smells amazing!

Keep your space tidy by tackling one small area each day. Little by little, it all adds up.

3. Decorate for fall

And don’t hesitate to swing by HomeGoods for a few new fall accessories—because is there any better way to to kick off the season?

While decluttering, clear out any old decor you’ve outgrown and set the cozy vibes with a few seasonal touches. No need to go overboard; just a few simple changes can instantly make your space feel more inviting and ready for fall.

Reset Your Body: Refresh Your Health Routine

counting macros for beginners

 There’s no need to wait for the beginning of the year to kick off a new health routine. Start now by focusing on simple, consistent habits that make a difference. 

1. Prioritize quality sleep

Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. Sleep is foundational—especially for women 35+—and quality rest is crucial for recovery and overall well-being.

Related: How to Glow Up Overnight

2. Add in nutritious fall foods 

Update your shopping list with fall produce and add more antioxidant-rich whole foods to your diet for a nutrition boost.

Stock up on sweet potatoes, apples, and pumpkin—they’re full of antioxidants that help fight inflammation and keep your skin glowing.

Fall is so great for easy meal preps too: crockpot chicken, baked sweet potato, and roasted veggies – healthy and easy!

Related: The 12 Most Powerful Anti-Aging Superfoods for Women Over 40

3. Get daily movement

I live in the PNW and, honestly, I’m not a fan of working out in the cold or rain. But here’s the trick: aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day or set a step goal—10-12,000 steps is a great target.

You can reach this by taking short walks around the block and staying active with errands and housework. Keeping on the move helps you stay fit, healthy, and glowing, even when the weather isn’t ideal.

Or, consider investing in a walking pad to ensure you’re getting your activity. They’re super convenient and easy to store away.

4. Create a self-care routine that serves you

Self-care is unique to everyone, so it’s crucial to find what genuinely works for you. For women with families and full time jobs, it doesn’t have to involve a 4 a.m. wake-up to meditate, journal, and do an ice plunge.

Sometimes, simply creating a morning routine or evening routine that makes you feel good can make a huge difference. Think: what makes me feel happy, calm, and centered? And then do more of that!

Related: How to Show Up for Yourself

5. Splurge for fall aesthetic treatments

With cooler weather settling in, it’s a great time to invest in some aesthetic treatments. Chemical peels can brighten up your skin, laser treatments like IPL and BBL address sun damage, and microneedling has been shown to improve skin texture.

The fall and winter months are perfect for these because your skin isn’t exposed to as much sun, which helps it heal better. 

Reset Your Mind: Prioritize Mental Wellness

how to lower cortisol

This fall, give your mind a fresh start. Make time for daily gratitude, cut back on digital distractions, and carve out quiet moments just for you.

1. Start a daily gratitude habit

Start or end your day by jotting down a few things you’re grateful for in your phone or in a dedicated journal. This small habit can really shift your mindset and help you stay focused on the positive.

Especially with the challenges that come with this stage of life, incorporating gratitude can have a profound impact.

With less sunlight during the fall, many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), so combat negative thoughts by weaving mindfulness practices into your daily routine. 

2. Do a digital detox

First, delete any apps, photos, and notes on your phone that you no longer need. Then, set aside specific times to unplug from your devices.

Even just an hour or two of being screen-free can help reduce stress and improve your mental clarity. Focus on small steps to make big improvements in your routine.

3. Goal plan for mental focus

Do you know what your striving for?  Start with simple goal setting to keep you focused and motivated through the fall.

Keep it simple—break your big goals into small, doable tasks. Instead of getting overwhelmed, set tiny milestones you can knock out one by one. This way, you stay motivated and actually make progress without burning out.

It’s all about building momentum with easy wins that keep you on track. We can all set goals but creating an action plan to stay motivated and focused throughout the fall is what will give you results.

Keep a daily planner or notion template to organize your tasks and track your goals.

Mastering Your Fall Reset Routine

Embrace the fall season as an opportunity to refresh your habits and routines. Take advantage of the end of summer to reassess where you’re at, realign your priorities, and set new intentions for the coming months. Let this season be your prompt for positive change and personal growth.

Free Fall Reset Routine Checklist and Habit Tracker

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